Waste Management

Since January 2015, we have been working on this issue of common importance and public responsibility. We have launched a project for a collection point for the selective classification of waste in Minca. After having implemented the selective collection route supported by the mayor's office, we closed the collection center to strengthen awareness and infrastructure processes with the participation of some local companies, the local community action board, institutions, residents and visitors. 

At this time, we are in search of financing through allies and sponsors who want to partner and collaborate with us to solve one of the biggest problems facing Minca and the Sierra Nevada: selective and organized management of waste for sustainable use and conservation of ecosystems and water. This project seeks to reduce the amount of waste, through selective classification and the reduction of single-use plastics. 

Through the implementation of a pilot proposal for the selective management of organic waste for the urbanized area of ​​Minca, it is projected to value the waste and minimize waste generated by 50%. A collaborative plan is proposed with various local allies where, based on the concepts of the circular economy, raw materials for agriculture are generated, waste is valued and waste is reduced. 

If you are interested in participating, send us an email to Proyectos@misiongaia.org.